Certified Family Law Specialist
State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization
Mom’s House, Dad’s House: A Complete Guide for Parents Who are Separated, Divorced, or Living Apart, Isolina Ricci
The Good Divorce, Constance R. Ahrons
How to Avoid the Divorce from Hell (And Dance Together at Your Daughter’s Wedding), M. Sue Talla
Crazy Time: Surviving Divorce & Building a New Life, Abigail Trafford
Private Lies: Infidelity and the Betrayal of Intimacy, Frank Pittman
The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to recognize it and how to respond, Patricia Evans
Surviving Separation and Divorce: How to Keep Going When You Really Don’t Want To, Sharon Marshall
What Every Woman Should Know About Divorce and Custody: Judges, Lawyers, and Therapists Share Winning Strategies on How to Keep the Kids, the Cash, and Your Sanity, Gayle Rosenwald Smith, J.D., and Sally Abrahms
Cutting Loose: Why Women Who End Their Marriages Do So Well, Ashton Applewhite
Mama and Daddy Bear’s Divorce, Cornelia Maude Spelman.
Dinosaurs Divorce, Lauren E. Krasny and Mark Brown.
Two Homes, Claire Masurel.
Arthur and the 1,001 Dads, Marc Tolon Brown.
It’s Not Your Fault, Koko Bear: A Read-Together Book for Parents and Children, Vicky Lanski.
Ginny Morris and Mom’s House, Dad’s House, Mary Collins Gallager.
Amber Brown Goes Forth, Paula Danzinger.
The Day My Mother Left, James Prosek.
Kaline Klattermaster's Tree House, Haven Kimmel.
Help! A Girl’s Absolutely Indispensable Guide to Divorce and Stepfamilies, Nancy Holyoke.
It’s Not the End of the World, Judy Blume.
Don’t Make Me Smile, Barbara Park.
Taking Sides, Norma Klein.
My Parents are Divorced, Too: A Book for Kids by Kids, Jan Blackstone-Ford.
What Makes Me Feel This Way?, Eda LeShan.
Things Won’t Be the Same, Kathryn Ewing.
Gateway, Lee Robinson.
How it Feels When Parents Divorce, Jill Krementz.
Divorce is Not the End of the World: Zoe’s and Evan’s Coping Guide for Kids, Zoe and Evan Stern.
Dear Mr. Henshaw, Beverly Cleary.
How To Talk to Your Children About Divorce, Jill Jones-Soderman and Alison Quattrocchi.
Making Divorce Easier on Your Child- 50 Effective Ways to Help Children Adjust, Nicholas Long and Rex L. Forehand.
The Truth About Children and Divorce, Robert Emery.
Difficult Questions Kids Ask and Are Afraid to Ask About Divorce, Meg Schneider and Joan Zuckerberg.
Raising Your Children Before, During, and After Divorce, Judith Wallerstein.
Helping Your Kids Cope With Divorce the Sandcastle Way, Gary Neuman.
Joint Custody With a Jerk, Julie Ross and Judy Corcoran.
Good Parenting Through Your Divorce, Mary Ellen Hannibal and Judge Ina Gyemant.
The Co-Parenting Survival Guide-Letting Go of Conflict After a Difficult Divorce, Elizabeth Thayer and Jeffrey Zimmerman.
Divorce Poison: How to Protect Your Family from Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing, Dr. Richard A. Warshak
Divorce Casualties: Protecting Your Children From Parental Alienation, Douglas Darnall
The High-Conflict Custody Battle: Protect Yourself & Your Kids from a Toxic Divorce, False Accusations & Parental Alienation, Amy J.L. Baker, PhD, J. Michael Bone, PhD, Brian Ludmer
Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking the Ties That Bind, Amy J. L. Baker
Dr. Craig A. Childress, http://drcachildress.org/asp/Site/ParentalAlienation/index.asp
Collaborative Divorce Knowledge Kit. "Discover if the collaborative model is right for you. Download your free Collaborative Divorce Knowledge Kit.This kit answers many of the common questions about Collaborative Practice. You`ll also learn about real families -- families like yours -- who used the Collaborative model. And see how it benefited them." http://www.cpcal.org/Content.aspx?T=CPKit
Our Family Wizard: "You can use the OFW® website to track divorce communications, child custody calendars, visitation schedules, parenting time, shared expenses and more. Every page is stamped with the last time both parents viewed the page, and every entry is documented with who made it and when. The OFW® website produces clear, compelling records for court. Our co-parenting tools are recommended by courts throughout the USA and Canada." https://www.ourfamilywizard.com/
The Preventive Ounce: "No child is average. Learn about individual differences among children and how to live with your child. More than 40,000 parents have used the Preventive Ounce to make parenting easier and to avoid unnecessary blame and guilt. At the Preventive Ounce, you can: Fill in a temperament questionnaire and immediately see a profile of your baby or child’s inborn traits. Then see specific behavior issues that are normal for your child. Finally, learn how to manage those behaviors in ways that are tailored to your baby or child’s temperament." http://preventiveoz.org/
Up To Parents: "Parents– If you are in conflict your children are in danger. And only you, their parents, can protect them from that danger. A free, confidential, and interactive website for divorcing and divorced parents. If you are a divorcing or divorced parent, you will find on this unique website your best defense against unnecessary hurt, turmoil, and expense: focusing on protecting your children." http://www.uptoparents.org/
Free printable calendars: http://www.calendarlabs.com/
Fillable, printable court forms: http://www.courts.ca.gov/3019.htm
Calendar of ethnic holidays: http://college.wfu.edu/aes/calendar-of-ethnic-holidays/